Linux Stuff
CentOS Linux is the community version of RedHat Enterprise
When variables are used they are referred to with the $ symbol in front of them. There are several useful variables available in the shell program. Here are a few: $$
RPM’s are Redhat packages for installing software on Redhat Linux machines. Creating the RPMs is done by the software owner. Building RPM should be done with an
So one day your readynas decides to give it up and you need to get your data from the ReadyNAS disk onto you pc. Thing you know is that your ReadyNAS sparc is running Debian
# Edit your /etc/yum.repos.d/plex.repo file, and change it to look like this: [PlexRepo] name=PlexRepo baseurl=$basearch/ enabled=1
When you use RedHat Satellite combined with SELINUX ( permissive or enforcing ) it is needed to create SELinux Context information in a Configuration File. Disabling SELinux
If you would like to disable IPv6 on RedHat Enterprise please do the following : Add or Modify the file [ /etc/sysconfig/network ] : NETWORKING_IPV6=no Add the
On RedHat Enterprise Linux 5, getting LUNs propagated from NetApp SAN is working pretty good so far but when you want to use NetApp SnapCreator with the kernel default
AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) is a file and directory integrity checker. In an enterprise environment it is very important that changes on file or
Sometimes it is needed to resize ( let’s say increase ) the size of a LUN on Linux. It is possible to do it all online ( but not without risc :-/ ) What you need to do
Make sure you have the packages needed by RHEL, otherwise install them. rpm -q device-mapper rpm -q device-mappermultipath yum install device-mapper yum install